78 year old Rick Clark fields questions about the election. Disclaimer: some of his views are radical, but what did you expect?
Why did you make the switch from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party?
The Democratic Party has abandoned the type of democrat I was, like in the JFK era. Strong in foreign policy, conservative relative to our management of the economy. I still have a certain type of caring about unfortunate people, which the Democrats emphasized more. The party that I knew and was brought up with no longer exists. It is extremely liberal and has lost all resemblance of what it was. They are making 50 percent of the population dependent on something. You don’t have to get a job anymore, you just collect. There are so many free programs that there is no motivation to work. Free everything, and they lose these benefits if they go to work, which is why they don’t go. If you look at the state of Maine, their governor’s strict welfare policies represent what the country should be doing (Editor’s note: the governor of Maine has endorsed Donald Trump).
What are your thoughts on how Fox News has seemed to go bad on Donald Trump?
They used to love Trump before he started to run for president. It all started when Megyn Kelly asked him a question during the first debate. The question I asked was why did he refer to women in a derogatory manner calling them fat etc. he responded that he only was referring to Rosie O'Donnell. In addition, it would appear that Rupert Murdoch (who owns Fox network, run by Roger Ailes), dislikes trump even though the morning people seem to like him, but it's Megyn Kelly that really is leading the charge against Trump.
Who do you think will win the presidency?
I don’t know. I would hope anyone but Hillary, maybe Kasich or Trump. Kasich could be Trump’s vice to calm people’s nerves about Trump. I like Trump’s enthusiasm. I am worried that almost half of the population already has decided to vote for a democrat. If Hillary wins, it will be a huge disaster.
What are your thoughts on Hillary Clinton?
She’s disgusting, a liar, no respect for the common person, she is divisive, creating and encouraging splits in our society pinning blacks against whites, pinning poor against rich; she’s a disaster.
Should the Republican Party contest Trump’s nomination?
Well I don’t know if the Republican party is doing that. The Washington group of Republicans is proposing an alternative to Trump, and they have every right to do that. It is fair and appropriate to propose the best candidate so it's fine.
Is Bernie Sanders delusional?
I don’t know if he’s delusional, he just has a very socialistic attitude which I believe is not possible and far-fetched. But morally he is in the right place.
Do you think it matters that Melania Trump posed naked for a magazine years ago? Would you want her to be your first lady?
She was in the modeling business, the picture of her was tastefully done and rather beautiful. That should not disqualify her from the job at all.
Who has your vote for the upcoming presidential nominations?
I am on the Trump train baby.
Thoughts on Obama, and does he have your vote for worst president ever?
Yes, he has my vote. He has caused tremendous divisiveness, reduced our country to a common country as opposed to a leading country. Devastated our military by terminating some of our greatest fighters in the military. He has not compromised and has used excessive regulation. He regulates when he knows he can’t pass bills through congress. People have still not founds jobs and cannot find jobs, and he has failed in fighting illegal immigration. Failed to recognize that we are fighting Islamist terrorists, not just terrorists.
Is political correctness hurting the country?
It is out of control. I mean when you have major companies boycotting a state when only males can use a male bathroom, then we are insane. The gender situation is getting a bit out of hand. I am worried about these protests. You put up a sign saying Trump 2k16 or he has a meeting, and there are protests. If Trump does not get the nomination, there will be rioting. If he gets it, there will be rioting.
What do you like about Trump?
I like his stand on illegal immigration. As a businessman, he knows how to operate economically. He is enthusiastic and supports our military. I’m not quite sure whether he is on target, I still question much about him.
Where do you see the direction of our country going?
Well I think that if we keep going the way we are going, and we don’t elect a Republican, we will continue to decline as a world power. We will not and are not the best anymore….
78 year old Rick Clark fields questions about the election. Disclaimer: some of his views are radical, but what did you expect?
Why did you make the switch from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party?
The Democratic Party has abandoned the type of democrat I was, like in the JFK era. Strong in foreign policy, conservative relative to our management of the economy. I still have a certain type of caring about unfortunate people, which the Democrats emphasized more. The party that I knew and was brought up with no longer exists. It is extremely liberal and has lost all resemblance of what it was. They are making 50 percent of the population dependent on something. You don’t have to get a job anymore, you just collect. There are so many free programs that there is no motivation to work. Free everything, and they lose these benefits if they go to work, which is why they don’t go. If you look at the state of Maine, their governor’s strict welfare policies represent what the country should be doing (Editor’s note: the governor of Maine has endorsed Donald Trump).
What are your thoughts on how Fox News has seemed to go bad on Donald Trump?
They used to love Trump before he started to run for president. It all started when Megyn Kelly asked him a question during the first debate. The question I asked was why did he refer to women in a derogatory manner calling them fat etc. he responded that he only was referring to Rosie O'Donnell. In addition, it would appear that Rupert Murdoch (who owns Fox network, run by Roger Ailes), dislikes trump even though the morning people seem to like him, but it's Megyn Kelly that really is leading the charge against Trump.
Who do you think will win the presidency?
I don’t know. I would hope anyone but Hillary, maybe Kasich or Trump. Kasich could be Trump’s vice to calm people’s nerves about Trump. I like Trump’s enthusiasm. I am worried that almost half of the population already has decided to vote for a democrat. If Hillary wins, it will be a huge disaster.
What are your thoughts on Hillary Clinton?
She’s disgusting, a liar, no respect for the common person, she is divisive, creating and encouraging splits in our society pinning blacks against whites, pinning poor against rich; she’s a disaster.
Should the Republican Party contest Trump’s nomination?
Well I don’t know if the Republican party is doing that. The Washington group of Republicans is proposing an alternative to Trump, and they have every right to do that. It is fair and appropriate to propose the best candidate so it's fine.
Is Bernie Sanders delusional?
I don’t know if he’s delusional, he just has a very socialistic attitude which I believe is not possible and far-fetched. But morally he is in the right place.
Do you think it matters that Melania Trump posed naked for a magazine years ago? Would you want her to be your first lady?
She was in the modeling business, the picture of her was tastefully done and rather beautiful. That should not disqualify her from the job at all.
Who has your vote for the upcoming presidential nominations?
I am on the Trump train baby.
Thoughts on Obama, and does he have your vote for worst president ever?
Yes, he has my vote. He has caused tremendous divisiveness, reduced our country to a common country as opposed to a leading country. Devastated our military by terminating some of our greatest fighters in the military. He has not compromised and has used excessive regulation. He regulates when he knows he can’t pass bills through congress. People have still not founds jobs and cannot find jobs, and he has failed in fighting illegal immigration. Failed to recognize that we are fighting Islamist terrorists, not just terrorists.
Is political correctness hurting the country?
It is out of control. I mean when you have major companies boycotting a state when only males can use a male bathroom, then we are insane. The gender situation is getting a bit out of hand. I am worried about these protests. You put up a sign saying Trump 2k16 or he has a meeting, and there are protests. If Trump does not get the nomination, there will be rioting. If he gets it, there will be rioting.
What do you like about Trump?
I like his stand on illegal immigration. As a businessman, he knows how to operate economically. He is enthusiastic and supports our military. I’m not quite sure whether he is on target, I still question much about him.
Where do you see the direction of our country going?
Well I think that if we keep going the way we are going, and we don’t elect a Republican, we will continue to decline as a world power. We will not and are not the best anymore….